Monday, August 25, 2008


I worked from 8am until 1:00 am on Saturday so Sunday I was looking forward to a shorter day as I only had to work from 11:30 to 6:30 and planned on taking it easy Sunday night as I have been feeling a cold coming on.

On the way home I stopped at a road side stand which had the most beautiful vegetables! We always stop to get corn from the Roher twins who have a stand on highway 31 as their farm is just north of there on Q street. The boys are friends of my son Paul. They have the most wonderful corn so if you are out that way make a stop as it is YUMMY!

The stand I stopped at Sunday I had never been to but I will be back. I got lots of vegetable and even fresh honeycomb which the kids love. You chew it like gum. Look at the garlic, it is huge! I have never seen fresh garlic on a road side stand. I cannot wait to make dinner tonight.

Today Trev let me sleep in and got the kids off to school I just do not get colds as my lungs are very weak and I have asthma so after my 10 day hospital stay last November I really get scared with any sign of a cold and try to take it easy and load up on vitamins. I think my body is just getting used to working more hours as I sure miss Lindsays help at the store as she was so much help.

A beautiful drive home.

Look how big that garlic is! I cannot wait to make dinner tonight. I am going to put the garlic as a rub on some steaks. mmmm.....

Fresh honeycomb. The kids just love it. You cut a piece off and chew it like gum.

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