Monday, August 18, 2008


I did not make it to my favorie "junk" store in Fremont Saturday as I ran out of time and had to get back for the evening crop. But when I parked downtown to stop at the bead store I seen this in the window of one of the antique stores and HAD to get it. I had that same red headed bubble hair barbie when I was a child. When we moved to the east coast my parent let my dads mom store some stuff for us and she got rid of it. I loved that barbie and also had the old blonde one also. The red headed one my mom had given me and the blonde my aunt had given me. I wish I could find them again in a price I could afford as I would have loved to pass them down to my daughters,

The case will be treasured as it will always remind me of my old barbie doll. Back then we just had one or two barbies and TONS of beautiful clothes. Now you cannot even buy outfits unless you buy a whole new barbie.

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