Sunday, May 11, 2008

Elkhorn High School Baccalaureate

Well I went to my first baccalaureate. It was wonderful to see the seniors giving praise to God for their accomplishments and looking to Him for their future. I sure am dreading graduation even more now as I did not even make it through the baccalaureate without crying and I am NOT a crier. I am really having a tough time my baby graduating.

Paul gave me the most wonderful card for Mothers Day and running lightss for my Suburban as I have a lot of trouble seeing at night and the head lights on the Suburban are not very bright. That was so sweet of him and he even said he will put them on for me. He is a wonderful son and I am so very proud of him and thankful to be his mom.

I hope all of this gets easier with the other kids as I will be stocked up on tissues for next Sundays graduation ceremonies.

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